Friday, June 26, 2009

amratanjan balm

Yeah, I know, it sounds pretty weird, but honestly speaking, it has a significance....

My mother, a dotting and loving lady, suddenly turned against me this morning. According to her, I am up to no good right now, am not going according to her wishes, am wasting my time, am talking to people who are no-gooders.

It is kinda sad, that she realises it now :P

But then, she decided not to talk to me and to ignore my presence in the way I have ignored her wishes and her hopes. So I spend my time 'working' my a** off doing things I'd never even thought I'd do, like do the daily chores (not a part of her wish-list though) and giving my 'Gochu' (mongrel) her un-deserved bath by dropping a pail of ice-cold water on her head .....

All of a sudden, the currents are off and I very meekly ask mother darling, to please start the generator because I have been rendered invalid due to a muscle pull. She does get the generator going. however when she comes back to the 1st floor, she's limping .... I kind of didn't notice any further and I went back to my 'work'

Very soon I hear her call my name and ask me for "chaani??!!" or maybe ir was khaini!!@!$#@$ ..... oh no she was asking for "VOLINI" (my hearing has been rendered semi-deaf) . There wasn't an ounce of volini at home, so I decided to go for AMRATANJAN..... she had hurt her back and hence HAD to talk to me :) .....

Thus AMRATANJAN revived our family ties and reduced her pain ..... funny isn't it?? They should have a commercial on this idea ;) :P

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lucky dips in Laccadives ....

It was a lovely day .... warm breezes caressing me, blowing over me, the fluttering in my heart, the churning in my stomach ... arousing in me the feeling of being re-juvenated.... its a whole new world. Sitting on the shore, watching the calm Arabian Sea drooling and lapping at my feet, making me feel like the Queen of the Oceans.

Its was raining torrentially but the water encompassed me with the warmth of being in the womb once again .... The feeling of being so protected, from the cool temperature outside. I ducked into the water ... crystal clear water, I could see the corals lying at the bottom of the sea-floor. I was in the full scuba gear, I could touch the little fish scuttling here and there. A big fish stared at me with all the wonder of a little baby looking at a new oragnism. I felt as if i was at the top of the world, even though I was like 20ft below the sea level. It was marvellous. colors like blue, green, yellow, orange, red, pink flew past me.... I could see a tiny Nemo down below..... i reach for it, it scampers away.... touch the sea-cucumber, its slippery. The scuba guide asks me not to, it might be poisonous.... I am repelled by the thought of 'resting with the fishes' ..... I am lovin it. :)

It was lovely, the sun was setting over the ocean. I wanted to catch the last rays as they disappeared over the horizon, sitting with my camera, ready, since 4pm, I finally had the best shots of my life.... As Ra dropped slowly in a lazy motion, I was mesmerized by the resolute nature of the Sun, to disappear in the huge bowl, just like a goldfish, spreading its fins in a last effort to get in to the realms..... It was a monumentous time in my life ... "it is the time of my life" ..... like a protozoan, amoebic in tendency, splitting into tendrils of its original self and holding on ......

We all hold on.........

Ain't no sunshine, when she's gone .......

Its happened .... Bill Withers was so damn correct and precise ... I feel like kicking myself ... hard enough to make me cringe and cower in fear ....
she's going away ................. ( no I am not a Lesbian :-O)
Well, it just doesn't seem ok when she's not around ... she has always been my back-bone, my pillar of support .... my love .... my lover .... my God ..... my Demon ..... but she's leaving me .... I am to be blamed. I allowed her to associate with others who just drove her away from me. I have always taken care of her, looked after her .... and now she's leaving me .... what am I going to do without her??? :-(

come back, baby come back ..........

come together right now, over me ...... my baby, my SANITY

There's always a first time....

The last time I had ever written anything for myself or for anyone, to read was I guess in school, ISC to be precise. Have tried upmteen times to record my thoughts in a little notebook and classify it as a 'personal DIARY'.... but in vain. No matter how much I try, I keep losing patience, liking and mainly my 'religion'. and the notebook somehow or the other finds its place amidst a pile of rubbish, in my lil loony bin. Giving it company would be my semi-brand-new guitar pick, or the verses of a song or maybe even my lens case. One must be wondering why.... i drop these things in my 'loony' bin. The sole reason being that whenevr I get frustrated with life or people, I vent my anger on these poor inanimate objects.... One more question that I am asking myself , right here, right now ..... WHY AM I DOING THIS??? AS IN penning (TYPING) MY THOUGHTS OUT HERE?????

" It started with a kiss, in the last row of a classroom.... how could I resist, the aroma of his perfume...."

No, it didn't kind of start with a 'kiss' ..... it all started when someone requested me to start off with a blog of hers "my ramblings" ..... I kind of liked the concept .... even though I had been dreading some of the newest Headlines "Aamir Khan, slams Shah Rukh Khan in his Blog" or you know "Mallika Sherawat going veggie" ... and blah blah blah ..... at least the latest Maoist Atrocities in Lalgarh are grasping the headlines and the celeb bloggers are not hogging the limelights of our dim-witted newspapers anymore. So when I was asked to comment on some of the blogs, I was a lil amused ... but nevertheless I took up the Herculean task ... and I started enjoying it so I finally decided I might as well get something I feel into this blogging-eria ....

Watch out, I MIGHT be coming ....

or might just as well be bored to death the next minute ... :P